LipoClinic Dr. Heck · since February 2017
Specialist clinic for liposuction, consultation and surgical treatment of lipedema
Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil
Bochum · 2016 – 2017
Senior Physician, Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Severe Burn Victims, Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Lehnhardt
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Duisburg · 2009 – 2016
Consultant, Clinic for Hand Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Centre for Severe Burn Victims Dr. med. F. Jostkleigrewe / Prof. Dr. med. H. H. Homann (with rotations in the Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery of the Florence-Nightingale-Krankenhaus Kaiserswerth, Prof. Dr. med. J. Liebau)
Katholische Kliniken Essen Nord · 2004 – 2008
Assistant Physician, Clinic for General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery, Prof. Dr. med. G. Omlor
Florence-Nightingale-Krankenhaus Kaiserswerth · 2003 – 2004
Junior Doctor, Department of Hand and Trauma Surgery, Dr. med. U. Gras
Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Bonn · 2003
Junior Doctor, Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. med. A. Kondoch
Studies of human medicine · 1996 – 2002
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Professional qualifications:
2002 Permit to practise medicine as junior doctor
2004 Licence to practise medicine
2008 Consultant Surgeon
2012 Consultant Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon
2014 Additional qualification in hand surgery
Technical training in emergency medicine
Technical training in radiation protection
Ordinary member of the German Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC)
German Wound Healing Society / Lipedema Group (DGfW)
Interplast Germany
Member of the German Society for Lipedema Surgery (DGfLC)
Presentations and publications:
Witte T, Mannil L, Zeitter S, Homann H: Medical Needling: Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse bei der Therapie großflächiger Verbrennungsnarben. Plastische Chirurgie 1/ 2015 36-40
Witte T, Mannil L, Onallah R, Homann H: Eigenfettunterspritzung bei faszienadhärenten Verbrennungsnarben. Plastische Chirurgie 2/ 2015 89-93
Mannil L, Witte T, Gerharz CD, Jostkleigrewe F, Homann HH: Intraosseous Tophaceous Gout of the Hand: Case Report and Literature Review. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2015 July 7 [Epub ahead of print]
Mannil L, Martin W, Dahmen J, Witte T, Juten PG, Deneken F, Räder M, Homann HH: Arthroscopic treatment for ulnar-sided TFCC-tears. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. First online: 13 November 2015
Various presentations on burns treatment and medical needling DAV 2011, DGPRÄC 2014/2015, DGPRÄC state association meeting 2014, DGCH 2015, BGU Paediatric Trauma Symposium 2014, presentations on autologous fat injection for scars and contour defects DAV 2015, working group ‘The severely burned child’ 2016, Lipedema Surgery Airport Meeting 2017, circulatory reaction after liposuction in lipedema DGL 2017, organisation and chairing of the lipedema session at the annual meeting of the DGPRÄC 2018 in Bochum