Blog | November 26, 2024

Lipedema on the legs: when the legs become a burden

Do your legs feel heavy and painful, as if they don’t fit your body? Do they seem disproportionately fat, no matter how much exercise you do or how strictly you diet? Then lipedema could be the reason.

In this article, we would like to provide you with comprehensive information on the topic of “lipedema of the legs” and show you that you are not alone with your symptoms.

Recognizing lipedema on the legs: What is lipedema?

Lipedema is a chronic disease that almost exclusively affects women. It is a fat distribution disorder in which an increased amount of abnormal fatty tissue accumulates on the legs and arms. This accumulation of fat can only be reduced to a limited extent by dieting or exercise.

Lipedema on the legs is characterized by a symmetrical increase in fat that typically extends to the ankles, while the feet are not affected. The fat distribution disorder can also occur on the buttocks and hips.

It is important to emphasize that lipedema is not just a visual problem, but a medical condition that can be associated with significant physical and psychological discomfort and limitations.

Lipedema or just fat legs? How to recognize the difference

Differentiating between lipedema and simply overweight legs is often challenging. However, there are some characteristic symptoms of lipedema that can help with differentiation:

  • Symmetry: Lipedema usually occurs symmetrically on both legs.
  • Disproportionate body shape: With lipedema on the legs, there is often a clear difference in size between the upper and lower body. Those affected often have a slim upper body, while the legs appear increasingly disproportionate.
  • Pain: A key distinguishing feature is pain. Lipedema patients often suffer from pressure and touch pain in the legs, which is not the case with ordinary obesity.
  • Reaction to diet and exercise: While ordinary excess weight can be reduced through diet and exercise, the fat accumulations in lipedema largely persist despite these measures.
  • Tendency to bruise: Lipedema patients have an increased tendency to bruise, even without an identifiable cause.

It is important to note that lipedema and obesity can also occur at the same time. In such cases, an accurate diagnosis of lipedema by a doctor is particularly important in order to develop the right treatment strategy.

Lipedema: from the thighs to the calves

The symptoms of lipedema can vary depending on the area of the body affected. The condition usually begins in the thighs, where there is a noticeable increase in fat, often accompanied by an uneven contour. The thighs can be perceived as particularly thick and heavy, which often leads to an unpleasant feeling of heaviness.

Starting from the thighs, lipedema can also spread towards the lower legs and calves. The fat accumulation can also appear in these areas, which leads to a further widening of the legs. It is particularly noticeable that the thighs appear thicker in lipedema compared to the calves, which can lead to a typical “column” or “keel” shape of the legs.

Lipedema on the thigh

Lipedema in the thighs often results in the characteristic “saddlebags”. The thighs become disproportionately thick, while the waist remains slim. The skin may feel doughy and have dimples. Other typical characteristics are

  • Abrupt transition from the slim waist to the voluminous thighs
  • Pain and tightness, especially when touched or under pressure

The thighs can be so severely affected that they rub against each other when walking, which can lead to skin irritation and additional discomfort.

Lipedema on the lower legs and calves

If the lower legs and calves are affected, a “columnar leg formation” often occurs. This is characterized by a straight, contourless shape of the lower leg, in which the natural curve of the calf disappears. The ankles lose their slender shape and merge smoothly into the thickened lower leg. Characteristic symptoms are

  • Disproportionately thick calves compared to the ankles
  • “Inverted champagne bottle” shape of the legs
  • Swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the lower legs
  • Possible formation of “fat rings” above the ankles
  • Restriction in the choice of shoes due to the altered leg shape

Those affected often report a feeling of heaviness and tension in the calves, which increases during the course of the day.

Lipedema on the legs: criteria and diagnosis

Lipedema is characterized by treatment-resistant pain, which is the central diagnostic feature. This pain occurs evenly on both affected legs and cannot be sufficiently alleviated by conventional pain therapies.

While the externally visible changes in the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue used to be classified into different lipedema stages from 1 to 3, the diagnostic focus has shifted according to the current guidelines. Classification purely according to external appearance is increasingly seen as less relevant for clinical assessment and treatment planning.

The early diagnosis and treatment of lipoedema on the legs and other parts of the body is now primarily based on:

  • The intensity and characteristics of the pain
  • The individual symptom burden
  • The impact on the quality of life of those affected

An individual and comprehensive therapy is planned and carried out according to these factors. Early detection and treatment of lipoedema are crucial in slowing down the progression of the disease and improving the quality of life of those affected. Pain reduction is the most important treatment goal.

Treatment of lipedema on the legs

As the world’s leading clinic in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of lipedema, we at LipoClinic Dr. Heck are committed to researching and treating this condition. Our aim is to help you lead a pain-free life and feel better about your body.

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy for lipedema comprises a range of measures aimed at alleviating the symptoms and improving the quality of life of those affected without surgical intervention. At the heart of this therapy is complex physical decongestive therapy (CDT), which consists of manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy and exercise therapy. Manual lymphatic drainage and compression garments help to remove fluid from the tissue more quickly, reduce swelling and prevent further fluid retention.

In addition, regular, gentle exercise is recommended to promote blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and increase well-being. In addition, targeted dietary changes and psychosocial support can help to strengthen the general feeling of health. Although conservative therapy does not remove the abnormal fatty tissue, it plays a crucial role in controlling symptoms and maintaining the quality of life of lipedema patients.

Surgical therapy

Surgical therapy for lipedema, also known as liposuction, is one of the most effective treatment options for the long-term reduction of abnormal fat accumulation and the alleviation or elimination of symptoms. With this method, excess fatty tissue is gently suctioned out under local or general anesthesia to reduce the painful feelings of pressure. At LipoClinic Dr. Heck, we use water-jet assisted liposuction (WAL), as it is gentle on the surrounding tissue and enables more precise fat removal. The surgical procedure can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected and increase their mobility and general well-being.

Holistic aftercare

After the operation, consistent aftercare is important, which includes wearing compression garments and manual lymphatic drainage to minimize swelling and support the healing process. Furthermore, our treatment concept goes far beyond the operation. We place great emphasis on individualized aftercare that promotes an active lifestyle and a healthy diet for lipedema. The connection between lipedema and the psyche must also be taken into account during treatment.

LipoClinic Dr. Heck: We treat your lipedema on your legs!

If you suspect that you are suffering from lipedema in your legs, do not hesitate to seek professional help. At LipoClinic Dr. Heck, our experienced team is here to help you. Our specialist doctors will take the time to give you a thorough consultation and work with you to develop an individual treatment plan.

Remember: lipedema may be a part of you, but it does not define you. With the right treatment and support, you can learn to manage the condition and lead a fulfilling life.

Do you have any questions about lipedema on the legs or would you like to arrange a consultation to find out more about our approach? Then please feel free to contact us at any time!

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